and mastered by John A. Powell
It contains Sound-Track scores written for various Independent Films,
Recordings made for the Cleveland State University School of Music,
and recordings of original music by John Powell and Kyle Hartzell.
Performers include:
John A. Powell
Kyle Hartzell
The Cleveland State University Orchestra
.................Directed by Vicor Liva
The Cleveland State University Chorus and Chorale
.................Directed by Betsy Burleigh
The Cleveland State University Jazz Ensemble
.................Directed by John Perrine
These recordings were made at the JP STUDIOS RECORDING SUITE
headed by John A. Powell and The Cleveland State Music Department
Recording Studio headed by Grammy award winning engineer David Yost.
This demo reel was constructed by hand using a TASCAM model 32 quarter
inch tape machine, an Akai GX4000D quarter inch tape machine with